Art, Technology, Management



The ICN Grande Ecole Programme offers an innovative education, alongside the schools of engineering, art, architecture and design. On and between our different campuses and throughout the programme, you’ll work on learning sequences dedicated to trans-disciplinarity. The whole experience takes place in a group, with students from other disciplinary fields, schools and universities.

In Nancy, you’ll have the chance to work with Mines Nancy and the National School of Art and Design, and other partners. Our focus on developing trans-disciplinarity means that we’re continually extending our partnerships.

The Carpentry Academy, an architecture and design school in Paris, is one of our newest partners. This set-up is unique in France, especially in Nancy, where associations are shared on the same campus.

Teaching #ArtTechnologyManagement as part of the Master in Management

1st year

Get off the merry-go-round!

When you start at PGE1, you’ll be invited to visit the campus with all of the PGE1 students from Mines and ENSAD, featuring some “disconcerting” team work. Designed to surprise, this first encounter with students from the other two schools takes place as part of an induction week focused on creativity.

Creactive Business Days
CreaCtive Days are an innovate teaching approach to boost your employability, with a realistic professional edge combined with creativity, team spirit, openness, curiosity and culture. Divided into groups of ten, 500 participants are encouraged to become aware of different cultures and question their mindsets.

"ICN Creative Thinking" project
Throughout the first year, you’ll see through a project that you’ve decided on, and present it to a jury of professionals and teachers. You’ll need to convince them of the interest and relevance of your project. You can also request support and mentoring to develop the project and end up establishing an innovative, creative company.

2nd year

(available in Nancy and as a conventional course)

Offered by ICN Business School

  • Artepreneurs 3.0
  • Becoming an online influencer
  • Design thinking for sustainable change
  • Entrepreneurship & Family Business
  • Economic intelligence and decision making
  • The creActif manager
  • Human enhancement
  • Brand marketing and commercial innovation
  • Finance modelling
  • Music business

Offered by the Nancy National School of Art and Design

  • Visual artistry
  • Fab City
  • La Dépense
  • L'assemblée, lexique lacunaire pour maintenant
  • Photographic documentary research

Offered by Mines Nancy

  • ABCD Web
  • Cindyniques
  • CIP: design, innovation, production
  • Territorial dynamics and the city of the future
  • The environment and sustainable development
  • Science, mediation and art
  • We are the robots


This experimental research and development lab that focuses on games, especially video games. It focuses onincludes experimentation, production and research in several areas: aesthetics, storyline, playability and game play, user experience, interfaces, transmedia, addictions, sociability, educational benefits and Serious Games….


(available in Nancy, Paris and Berlin, and as a sandwich course)

  • Art, Sport et Design
  • Artem workshop: Managers building sustainable communities
  • Arts and Diversitydiversity
  • Creative digital communication
  • Commercial space and service design
  • Global Integrated integrated Marketing marketing Communicationscommunications
  • Process integration
  • Luxury, design and creativity
  • Nudge Music Management
  • IRE Preparation (Institute of Statutory Auditors)

3rd year

A unique and innovative approach to initiate a skills transfer between students and businesses by capitalising on the cornerstones of Artem education: transversality, creativity, entrepreneurial spirit and a sense of innovation. Third-year students from the three Artem Alliance schools work together to generate new ideas and provide solutions to problems proposed by more than 50 businesses, organisations, and start-ups, over the course of a week.

#ArtTechnologyManagement elective modules

These elective modules give you the opportunity to widen your knowledge and skills

  • Big Data
  • BMC preparation (Bloomberg)
  • Business Aesthetics aesthetics and Artfulartful
  • Communications
  • ASLOG certification
  • Consumer culture
  • Creativity and change management
  • Commercial space design
  • Becoming the manager of an ethical fund
  • Global eco-design
  • Business, the Environment environment and
  • Sustainable sustainable Developmentdevelopment
  • Global events and leadership
  • Introduction to Geopolitics geopolitics of finance
  • Diversity as a factor in business performance
  • The voice of the manager
  • The internet and advertising communications
  • Legal and business ethics
  • Lobbying
  • VBA programming
  • Entrepreneurial projects
  • Research assistance
  • Sport management
  • VBA programming
  • Did you say sustainable?
  • Website design