The MSc in banking and wealth management equips students with a solid understanding of how banks operate around the world and teaches them about the many aspects of operational, credit, and liquidity risk management within a complex environment where the client and profitability are the top priorities.
The sector has seen the emergence of new players (Fintechs, blockchain), who are sometimes in competition with traditional banks. The programme therefore explores the impact of digital technology and innovation on banking.
The programme also covers wealth management which involves far more than simply giving financial advice: a wealth manager plans and structures their clients' wealth in order to help them protect and grow it in a way that is tax-efficient and in accordance with their wishes.
he MSc in banking and wealth management is highly career-focused as teaching is mainly delivered by banking industry professionals. Throughout the two years of the programme, students take modules in:
Students on the programme can gain industry experience by combining their studies with a work placement as part of an apprenticeship. Doing an apprenticeship can boost your employability and is an excellent way to develop hard and soft skills that are highly valued by employers.
Students doing an apprenticeship are fully exempt from tuition fees and, throughout the duration of their contract, receive a monthly salary according to a pay scale based on the monthly minimum wage or, where applicable, the minimum wage under collective agreement (where this is greater).
At ICN, nearly 150 partner companies are on the look out for students at our business forum events, which can open the door to a work placement within a major company.
The areas covered by the course offer fantastic career prospects. Possible roles:
In addition, digital developments have created new professions and new organization methods.
100% of our graduates are in employment within 6 months.
CACEIS// CIC// BNP Paribas// Banque Populaire Alsace Champagne Lorraine//Caisse d'Epargne // Crédit Mutuel //Crédit Suisse// EY// ING // KPMG // LGL// Deloitte// Natixis// Numbr // Edmond de Rothschield // PwC // Yzico
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The course is highly career-focused and equips students with all the skills in banking they need to hit the ground running.