Get a Triple Master Degree in International Management!

Get a triple master degree in international management and become a globe-trotter student with ICN Business School! Our MIEX programme is accredited by Conférence des Grandes Ecoles and is ranked 2nd according to MOCI and 7th according to Eduniversal. 

Joining our MIEX programme means you will be able to travel and study at multiple campuses and discover a range of English speaking study opportunities across Europe or venture further to our prestigious partner universities in Brazil, Mexico, Germany, and China. 

At the end of the programme, you will have achieved a triple degree. This includes an MSc in International Management, a Master Universitario di I livello delivered by UNIBO, and a certificate of a Master degree from the 2nd year university placement you partake in. 

So, if you are wondering what ICN’s international management programme entails, we have put together this guide to help you decide if it is right for you, and how you can get three degrees in one! 

The Ethos of ICN’s MIEX Triple Master Degree Programme

The philosophy of the MSc in International Management derives from the principles of reflective practice and experiential learning. It is designed for graduates who wish to develop some key knowledge and competencies to pursue a career in international business. This degree works across numerous sectors and industries, so you’ll be well-prepared for a flexible career in international business. Whether you’re interested in roles within multinational organisations or in a global environment at home or abroad. 

Our MIEX programme provides an in-depth understanding of the successful management of global enterprise, and develops an international, cross-cultural, and global mindset for the international managers of the future.

Become a Globe-Trotter Student! 

A great aspect of ICN's MIEX programme is that it is taught in English at multiple campuses, including our Nancy (France) and Bologna (Italy) locations. This makes it incredibly versatile for those whose first language isn't French, but are keen to experience student life in France and benefit from great international study options such as this! 

Throughout the MIEX programme, in 1st year, courses are divided into two academic semesters, one is held in France at ICN Business School and the second in Italy at the UNIBO School of Economics, Management and Statistics in Forlì and Bologna. 

In 2nd year, you will be able to decide where to spend this year abroad. Choose from Berlin, Mexico, Porto Alegre or Shanghai. 

As well as travelling, you will be able to get hands-on experience in the industry. The MSc in International Management integrates company visits into the course, so that industry leaders and managers are invited to hold workshops and seminars throughout the programme. This is not only great to build on practical skills and their expertise, but also to network and branch out into new career prospects.

Collaborate With Our Partner Universities and Companies

ICN’s International Management triple master degree collaborates with the University of Bologna, La Salle, Ecust and UFRGS

It provides graduates with the opportunity to work with our partner companies, some of which include: 

Gaining work experience while studying is a key opportunity in all of our MSc courses because we understand the value of putting your degree into practice and gaining valuable experience. This is why 91.9% of ICN Graduates get a job within 4 months. 

More Employable

As ICN’s triple master degree in International Management is accredited by Conference des Grande Ecoles, it is instantly recognisable to employers around the world. 

In fact, product Manager for Retail Operational Marketing at L’Occitanie en Provence, Océane Bouyer studied our MIEX programme. 

What our students think…

“The MIEX programme gives students the unique opportunity to live in three different countries and flourish in a multicultural environment. 
It is an incredible and rewarding academic and personal experience that allows students to approach their future international career with confidence, safe in the knowledge that they are highly adaptable, very open-minded and have developed a broad overview of other cultures. 
I’m very proud to have obtained this triple degree and to belong to the MIEX community. I have developed greatly both personally and professionally.”
Océane Bouyer
Product Manager Retail Operational Marketing - L'Occitane en Provence

What Are The Job Prospects With A Triple Master Degree?

ICN’s MSc in International Management prepares students to work for companies that are either involved in international trade or looking to expand abroad.

The MIEX journey is a unique international and multicultural learning experience designed to provide graduates with a global perspective of the business world. While this will set you up for a wide variety of roles, many of our graduates of this course are seeking top level business management roles in internationally operating companies.

Job prospects for graduates with a triple master degree include: 

  • International Strategy Consultant
  • International Business Development Manager
  • Account Manager
  • International Business Manager
  • Business Partner Manager
  • Entrepreneur 

Study ICN’s Triple Master Degree in International Management 

ICN’s triple master degree in International Management boasts a strong international dimension thanks to our partner universities in Europe, Asia and Latin America. 

The MIEX programme content provides the essential knowledge for anyone who is looking to embark on an international career, with an emphasis on international management methods and tools as well as personal and professional development. 

Join our triple master degree and become a globe-trotter student !