Take a few friends, record a pitch of your concept, develop it, challenge it, benefit from the expertise of our international jury and trainers, and win a cash prize and mentoring to kick-start your project!
The best 4 teams will enter the final round of the competition on our campus in Berlin on June 23. In the course of a two-day event, each team will be provided with coaching and training in prototyping and pitching to prepare their final presentation. The best 3 teams receive prize money for realizing their sustainable innovations, and continuous and personal coaching by international peers well-versed in technology, arts, and management in the 3 months after the win to kickstart their project and gain access to a network of sustainability enthusiasts.
In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly set up 17 sustainable development goals (SDG) as “a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all” (General resolution adopted in 2017). The SDGs include a wide variety of problems, from poverty to hunger, climate change, the protection of species, access to clean water, or the defense of peace and justice.
1. Your team must include 4 members max. Everyone must be enrolled as Bachelor's students as of April 2023.*
2. Prepare a video/text to pitch your idea following the five questions below.
3. Fill in & submit the following application form.
Deadline May 1st, 2023 at 11:59 p.m.
Apply here!
4. You should address the following 5 questions:
• What is the problem you want to tackle?
• Why do you take a personal interest in this problem?
• What are the causes commonly attributed to the problem?
• How does your team’s solution contribute to addressing the problem?
• How is your solution original?
5. You will receive feedback by May 2nd, 2023. The 4 best teams have then the opportunity to join us in June in Berlin for free training and coaching sessions on topics such as ideation and storytelling to help you develop your proposal prior to defending your idea in front of our expert jury.
You are interested, but do not yet have teammates/specific idea in mind? Contact us via berlin@icn-artem.com and we will guide you!
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