For 4 days during the Cdays, 1st year students from the Ecole des Mines and ICN took part in #ArtTechnologyManagement workshops.
These workshops represent an innovative educational approach that increases the employability of our students. Gathered around a common project, they are indeed challenging their way of thinking and developing a great capacity for adaptability.
During this academic year, the students were brought together around the same theme: how to imagine mobility in 2050, while taking into account the environmental challenges of tomorrow. First, time for team-building activities. The team-building allowed the teams to bring out the first collaborative links and to get to know each other by taking up a common challenge: building the tallest tower. The challenge? Use only paper and tape!
By working in transdisciplinary teams, our students were able to discover each other’s skills and learn how to work with colleagues from different backgrounds. They have thus developed very valuable skills in business, such as open-mindedness and adaptability. The teaching staff supported our students in their futuristic reflections. In this regard, Marie-France Clerc Girard, the Director of Experimental Learning Lab, Station A, explains “Creating transdisciplinary teams and following the reflections of the students, without playing the role of experts, allowed us not only to make the exercise stimulating and fun, but also to offer our students transversal perspectives. ”Finally, the different groups were able to propose innovative ideas. Underground pedestrian crossing, autonomous bus, air transport...: we totally find the #ATM spirit in these ideas!"