About the school

As a member of the Chapter of Management Schools within the Conference of Grande Écoles, ICN is one of the oldest business schools in France.

It was created by the University of Nancy and the Meurthe-et-Moselle Chamber of Commerce and Industry. In 2003, the Nancy Commercial Institute became ICN Business School, a state-approved private higher education institution that is partnered with the University of Lorraine.

In 1999, ICN Business School founded the Artem Alliance with the Nancy School of Art and Design and Mines Nancy. This innovative alliance promotes the mixing of academic disciplines and learning, coupled with creativity and innovation, to train the next generation of decision-makers and creators.

ICN holds accreditation from EQUIS, AMBA and AACSB, and its Master's in Management has been recognised as one of the best in the world by the Financial Times.

Horizon 5000 : strategic plan 2022-2026


By offering an innovative, cross-disciplinary education, ICN Business School's mission is to prepare students to become responsible professionals who possess the necessary skills to work in a global business environment. ICN Business School is involved in creating knowledge at the frontiers of art, management and technology, as a means of contributing to the development of usable knowledge and sustainable practices in the field of organisational management.

Our values


  • ICN is whole-heartedly open towards other cultures and disciplines.
  • ICN has a global outlook as evidenced by exchanges between students and professors and the various opportunities offered by its network of international partner universities, making it one of the most diverse schools in France.
  • ICN is open to other disciplines through its links with the University of Lorraine and other schools, notably as part of the Artem Alliance with the Nancy School of Art and Design and Mines Nancy.
  • ICN is all about sharing knowledge and skills. The ICN community is an eclectic mix of talents.


  • ICN allows every student to turn their dreams into reality, particularly by implementing and rolling out various forms of support throughout the curriculum. The school places great emphasis on the personal development of students to ensure they thrive and reach their full potential.
  • With a strong focus on creativity, ICN is also committed to promoting the evolution of management practices and innovation in business.
  • On a local level, ICN is committed to contributing to the socio-economic development and the attractiveness of its region.

Team spirit

  • ICN is a community. That means sharing, working as part of a network, and learning to develop projects as a group, in classes, workshops and associations. It means a close bond between students and staff alike. This team spirit is particularly remarkable at the seminars organised every year.
  • ICN aims to promote synergy and give a collective dimension to skills.


Equis accreditation

EQUIS confirms the school's strategy and the relevance of its quality processes, with regard both to its teaching and its research activities. This label places ICN among the top 100 management schools in the world.

ICN has agreements with foreign universities and welcomes a growing number of international students and professors. The international positioning of the school is strengthened by its location at the heart of the Grand Est region, which borders Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg.

AMBA accreditation

AMBA is the longest-standing and highest distinction for MBA programmes across the globe, attesting to the quality of these programmes (Master of Business Administration). It demonstrates that the course meets the required international academic standards.

The main assessment criteria used by the Association of MBAs focuses on the strategy and identity of the school, the quality of the faculty, research, the recruitment of participants, learning outcomes and course content, the quality of teaching and assessment as well as graduate career outcomes.

AACSB accreditation

AACSB accreditation is a US mark of excellence, awarded to management schools for a 5-year period, certifying a high level of academic quality, student experience, close links with the business world and research excellence. This label is recognised as the guarantee of a high-quality programme: there are currently 879 Business Schools in 57 countries with AACSB accreditation.

Key figures

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